The Muppets World Movie Premiere! Jason Segel! Miss Piggy! Amy Adams! Kermit The Frog! Chris Cooper! Anthony Hopkins! Rico Rodriguez! Rashida Jones! Alyson Hannigan! Neil Patrick Harris!
It’s time to play the music
It’s time to light the lights
It’s time to meet the muppets on the Muppet Show tonight.
Well… To be more accurate, it’s the Muppets World Movie Premiere! When I was a young wee lad I loved the Muppets. Rowlf was always my favorite, probably cause I love dogs, but I loved the whole thing; Pigs In Space, Kermit, Beaker, Gonzo, The Skits, etc… It was just such a great show for kids.
And, now the Muppets are back in a big way. I’m so thankful that Jason Segel put his celebrity behind getting a new Muppets movie made. Without him, it never would have happened!
Anyway, while the IMDB list is pretty impressive I figured a lot of the smaller cameo roles wouldn’t be here, still to be a part of the Muppets legacy is a fun prospect for me, so I have to go! Plus, Amy Adams, Jason Segel, and Anthony Hopkins are on the list for today so I have to check it out!
8:57 a.m. – I just arrived. It’s a cold and dark rainy day. And yes, I just quoted 10,000 Maniacs song lyrics. I’m hoping we don’t get rained out…
9:01 a.m. – It’s always odd to walk though the Hollywood and Highland when it’s empty. LOL…
9:05 a.m. – I found what I think is a decent spot. You just never know with premiere’s at the El Capitan Theatre… They can be pretty difficult because you just never know where to stand.
9:11 a.m. – Thankfully, a friend of mine held me a spot. He’s a huge Muppets freak and got here at like 6:00 a.m.!
9:22 a.m. – CB was supposed to be here, but he’s not making an appearance I suppose. Erica and Scotty are supposed to come though.
9:34 a.m. – Oh crap, they are moving some tents right in front of our spot. We just asked one of the guys and they said that they are going to put white sheets over the backs… We’re screwed here… Quick move!
9:36 a.m. – Okay we settled into the small spot right next to this spot… Sigh…
9:45 a.m. – I’m not sure about this spot. Scotty and Erica just arrived and they went across the street just in case. So, no matter what we’re covered.
10:01 a.m. – Check in tables are in front of us now… Dammit! Across the street kids…
10:08 a.m. – Okay, now we have our spot across the street, but we can’t figure out where they are dropping off… Man, this sucks… But we picked a spot…
10:11 a.m. – Moving again… There might be a better spot down the way.
10:17 a.m. – Okay, yay a new and what could be better spot…
10:22 a.m. – My friend just told me that the drop off was where we were ten minutes ago… Dammit! WE GOTTA MOVE AGAIN!
10:28 a.m. – This is it! I’m not moving… Yesh… What a cluster! Man oh man…
10:33 a.m. – One of the main reasons I’m here is for Alyson Hannigan from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. She finishes my Buffy musical poster. I have a bunch of stuff for Amy Adams, and like three posters for Jason Segel. Also Rico Rodriguez from Modern Family is supposed to be here, so I have some Modern Family stuff for him. Oh, and I randomly brought a Silence of the Lambs poster that I got for my friend Annette (who is awesome) and I figured if for some miracle Anthony Hopkins is here and signs I can get him on it for her christmas present.
10:45 a.m. – It’s a tad chilly. Oh, CB showed up!
10:59 a.m. – There is supposed to be two different carpets. One for the humans and one for the muppets. The Muppets carpet is first I think.
11:11 a.m. – The whole carpet is tented because of rain. That kind of sucks.
11:19 a.m. – The barricade is filling up now. So, if this spots sucks we’re screwed.
11:22 a.m. – I think the Muppets carpet starts at noon…
11:34 a.m. – Oh, the line of press… It’s getting closer… The press people are filing into their pens!
11:41 a.m. – Coke! God bless the Coke people… They are passing out Coke, Diet Coke and my joy Coke Zero.
11:45 a.m. – Dammit! They are out of Coke Zero… We get Diet Coke. Scotty called it Chemical Water. LOL…
11:56 a.m. – It’s the Muppets!
They are driving in! It’s Kermit! Animal and more… Sweetums is leading the car… Too awesome. Miss Piggy is in a convertible behind the main car. I’m loving it!
12:01 p.m. – Dude, that’s too cool… I think that the Muppets are going to hold interviews with the celebs at the far end on stage.
12:14 p.m. – Hopefully, arrivals will start soon…
12:33 p.m. – I think more publicists are going in…
12:42 p.m. – Erica gave me apple jacks cause I haven’t eaten anything all day, lol…
12:53 p.m. – Mmmmm apple jacks…
1:02 p.m. – It looks some cars are pulling up…. just producers… sigh…
1:08 p.m. – Oh, that’s someone… It’s Mickey Rooney! We all yell for him, but he waves and goes in.
I don’t blame him, Mickey Rooney is no spring chicken! LOL..
1:11 p.m. – Okay… Come on now…
1:16 p.m. – Oh, Kristen Schall is here… Wow, only a wave… What’s up with that crack rock? huh…
1:19 p.m. – Oh Lord it’s Nancy Grace from Dancing With The Stars… Man oh man… And of course SHE’s coming over… At least she’s nice! lol…
1:22 p.m. – Neil Patrick Harris is here! Wow, he wouldn’t even look at the crowd… Damn…
1:25 p.m. – It’s a white car.. That’s kind of odd… Oh, that’s Jason Segel! Everyone is calling him over and he’s coming by. Of course my camera screws up and I hit the wrong button and don’t get any video. Grrrrrr…..
1:26 p.m. – Jason is signing but honestly he’s not doing that much. Scotty doesn’t have anything so he takes my I Love You Man mini poster. I have my Sarah Marshall Mini poster and my Muppets mini poster as well. Jason comes our way and I get him to sign my Muppets poster and then I ask him to sign my Sarah Marshall mini poster as well.
I told Jason how much I appreciate him bringing back the Muppets. He was like, “My pleasure!” Then Scotty got jason to sign my I Love You Man mini poster as well.
1:28 p.m. – Honestly, Jason Segel didn’t sign a whole lot but he did cover a portion of the line.
1:33 p.m. – Oh wow, there’s Academy Award winner Anthony Hopkins! We all yell for him, and… Holy crap! He’s coming over!
I whip out my Silence of the Lambs mini poster and hold it out… Anthony is going crazy, and I got him on my mini poster.
Damn… He only signs for like 45 seconds, but he signs a lot especially considering it’s not even his premiere!
1:41 p.m. – Another car… Oh, it’s Amy Adams! She is coming over and then her publicist takes her to the other end of the barricade.
Amy Adams looks right at Erica and says, “I’ll be back!” Then she signs on the other end. She starts working her way down, but her publicist takes her right around our entire section!
Doh! (I heard it was because there was a certain dealer, thee who shall not be named, to the right of Erica who Amy Adams hates… I can not confirm or deny this however)
1:45 p.m. – That’s a bummer… Sadness…
1:49 p.m. – There’s Rashida jones dropping.
She’s the only one Scotty is here for… Rashida is signing away, but very fast. She signs Scotty’s Vanity Fair magazine cover, so he’s stoked!
1:52 p.m. – Another drop.. It’s Chris Cooper! He comes right on over and is super nice..
Erica gets him on her Where The Wild Things Are.. mini poster and also her Muppets mini poster. I get him on the Muppets as well.
Such a nice signature! It’s a full Chris Cooper! I always appreciate that!
1:54 p.m. – I see Alyson Hannigan walking in, but she goes straight to the carpet! Dammit….
2:05 p.m. – Erica and I run to the other side… The crowd is like 9 people deep… Sigh…
2:11 p.m. – There’s Rico Rodriguez from Modern Family. He’s really not the nicest, but he’s posing with people in the front. I can’t get there, but I see John in the front and I ask him if he has anything. John is nice enough to get my poster signed, which I really appreciate! Thanks again John…
2:16 p.m. – Oh, Amy Adams is going inside, and she’s signing for people. There’s no way to get up to the front. Ah well…
2:25 p.m. – There’s Neil Patrick Harris and Chris Cooper… The are about to walk inside. Neil stops to take a couple quick photos then pops inside.
2:34 p.m. – Jason goes inside and it looks like everyone is pretty much in now… The crowd has dispersed and Erica and I get to the front. We are joined by MTF reader and all around awesome dude Ryan!
2:54 p.m. – Okay.. Well… I guess it looks like we are in it for the long haul. I really want Alyson Hannigan. I heard she did it on the way in before I got here. Sigh…
3:02 p.m. – Wow, they are tearing up the carpet already. I told Erica I would like a piece of the green carpet. lol…
3:13 p.m. – I think Erica is trying to figure out how to get some green carpet. lol….
3:34 p.m. – Did I mention I haven’t eaten all day…
3:45 p.m. – There is like one row behind us. But I’m sure it will only increase lol…
4:03 p.m. – Oh, the publicists are coming back… They are coming back! lol…
4:14 p.m. – Okay, it’s clearly getting to be time!
4:20 p.m. – I’m getting really cold… lol…
4:34 p.m. – Officially the movie is over! YAY! There’s Jack Black leaving… We got a wave out of him!
4:39 p.m. – Anthony Hopkins is leaving… He’s… Damn, he’s coming over to sign again..
Damn… I don’t even have anything for him! Killing me! I think he signed all around Erica though… Ah well…
4:40 p.m. – Chris Cooper is leaving… and Neil Patrick Harris is leaving as well… Apparently, they both have to go in and leave together.
4:41 p.m. – Nick from All America Rejects is here and comes over to take a couple photos with people.
4:42 p.m. – Rashida Jones is leaving and comes over to sign a couple autographs.
4:43 p.m. – Joel Mchale is here and comes over and signs a couple autographs.
4:45 p.m. – There’s Amy Adams. Damn, she comes over yet again to sign.
Erica and I both get her to sign our Muppets posters. I’m shocked she came over again. That’s really nice. I’m very impressed! It’s makes up for the earlier diss!
4:48 p.m. – Oh damn! There’s Alyson Hannigan! I yell like a banshee, Tara told me she heard me from Across the street.
lol… Finally, Erica helped me get her attention as she was in the middle of the street. Alyson turned and said, I’m sorry I have to go. Crushed…
Ah well… Dissed by Willow. But you know, Alyson is super nice, so I’m not going to be too sad about it. I will get Willow again! I will… Still a long long day, but I’m happy I pretty much got the Muppets poster finished. I know I didn’t get the Muppeters but you know… I’m okay with that. I’m just happy I got the main cast, and got to see the Muppets in person!
Until next time kids…