Super Short Sundays! The Bridge Premiere! Scotty Meets Mystic Pizza Star Annabeth Gish! Shag: The Movie! Autographs! And More!
The Bridge premiere was a huge success for Scotty The Music Man! We are both huge fans of the film Mystic Pizza and also Shag: The Movie. Both were staples of our youth. LOL…
Especially Mystic Pizza! It’s amazing! Scotty went to out the premiere of AMC’s The Bridge and was able to have some success with Annabeth Gish after a little work!
Check out his recap after the jump for this weeks Super Short Sunday!
Meeting Annabeth Gish
“The Bridge” Premiere
I am a huge fan of the 1988 film “Mystic Pizza” and the 1989 film “Shag.” I have wanted to get Annabeth Gish, Lili Taylor, and Julia Roberts to sign my Mystic Pizza Laserdisc. I have also wanted Annabeth to sign my “Shag” DVD. I have been to two events that Annabeth was in attendance, but was not on the guest list. I would always be sad that she was there and I had nothing for her to sign. I finally got her at the premiere for “The Bridge” YEAH!
What did she write on the cover of the second movie? This is the __ __ ?
She wrote, “This is the most fun!” The characters in the film say it.