savages red carpet Archive
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan here excited beyond belief to have finally met the one and only Mr. T! Now, to understand what a big deal this is, it’s important to look back and see what a phenomenon Mr. T was in the ‘80s. He was
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan here and if you’ve been following this site for long enough, you might recall my true love for Benicio Del Toro and the “burning hair” incident. If not, good news! I’ve got a link right here: Even more good news? I
You know, I have to tell you… I admire commitment. It’s true. I remember Erica saying to me once…”You kept saying you were going to get that Kylie Minogue picture disc signed in a pink paint pen and there it is on your wall!” That was probably
Savages…. Savages on our legs and our arms for you… Savages… Savages… Savages… See, if you set the title of the new Oliver Stone film Savages to the tune of Hot Hot Heat’s Bandages that opening makes sense… If not I seem crazy, but if you have