Six New Contagion Individual Movie Posters Are Out! Marion Cotillard! Matt Damon! Kate Winslet! Gwyneth Paltrow! Jude Law! Lawrence Fishburne!

Ohhhh I’m loving these new Contagion movie posters! They were just released, and even though I haven’t heard much about this movie I’m becoming more and more curious about it.

Plus, the start quotient is pretty high, Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Lawrence Fishburne… and directed by Steven Soderbergh…

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That’s a pretty high pedegre… Sure this sort of smacks of Outbreak, but still.. It could be really good.

The posters sure are rad… There are individual posters for each of the main characters in the movie… And they are all pretty creeptastic!

Check them out below!
Matt Damon rare contagion individual rare promo movie poster one sheet bourne legacy rare hot sexy photo shoot
Marion Cotillard rare contagion individual rare promo movie poster one sheet Inception legacy rare hot sexy photo shoot promojude law rare contagion individual rare promo movie poster one sheet Inception legacy rare hot alfie hot sexy rare photo shoot promokate winslet rare contagion individual rare promo movie poster one sheet titanic rare hot sexy one sheet photo shoot hot rarelaurence fishburne rare contagion individual rare promo movie poster one sheet Inception legacy rare hot gwyneth paltrow rare contagion individual rare promo movie poster one sheet Inception legacy rare hot gwyneth paltrow rare contagion individual rare promo movie poster one sheet Inception legacy rare hot

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