RIP Leonard Nimoy! The Film And Television Star Passed Away Today At The Age Of 83!
It’s such a sad day. Television and film legend Leonard Nimoy has passed away at the age of 83.
Leonard Nimoy was in several films and television series but will be most fondly remembered for his role as Spock in Star Trek.
I have been a Star Trek fan since I was a kid. My parents were huge sci-fi fans and got me into the series at a young age.
I don’t think anyone else could have played the role quite like him. It was really a perfect match.
I was fortunate to meet Mr. Nimoy at a random encounter with Erica back in 2009. He was a guest at Chris Pine’s play, ironically it was the day Michael Jackson passed away.
This is sort of how that encounter went.
The last time I saw Mr. Nimoy was in 2013 and he was so nice. Sadly the rain poured down and ruined the autograph on my Mego figure. Ugh… It bothers me even more today. I hate it when people hand over a cheap pen.
Still, the encounter was wonderful and it will be a memory I hold now that we have to say goodbye to Mr. Nimoy.
RIP Mr. Nimoy Live Long and Prosper in this life and the next. You will be missed.
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