Manic Mondays! Pinky Talks About Her Love Of The Pirate Movie! & Meeting Kristy McNichol! Christopher Atkins! Autographs! And More!
Oh Pinky, you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow mind! Go Pinky!
Sorry, I had to do that. It’s monday which means it MANIC MONDAY!
For today’s Manic Monday, Pinky is talking about her love of The Pirate Movie and meeting the stars. Now, you may recall I had a nice mini poster signed at the recent Hollywood Show. I wish I knew that the Pinkster loved the movie like I did so I would have gotten one for her as well!
Check out Pinky’s full recap below!
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy here still on a bit of a high from meeting the one and only “Mabel” (pronounced MAY-bell) from the classic cult film from my youth, The Pirate Movie.
Who is Mabel, you ask, and what is this Pirate Movie? Mabel is the lead role played by none other than Kristy McNichol and The Pirate Movie is a campy and fun love story loosely based on Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera, The Pirates of Penzance.
I remember seeing a commercial for it on TV when I was about 9 years old and desperately wanting to see it. As we were being babysat by my grandparents when the movie was released, we somehow convinced them to take us to it.
Looking back, I’m sure they were mortified by the vulgarity of the movie (which went completely over our young minds at the time), but my sister and I just found it to be a fun movie with lots of singing (like Grease, which is also far more risqué than previously thought).
Throughout the years, I’ve seen the movie at least 20 times and I even have some of the songs on my iPod. I LOVE this movie and especially the two main stars of the film, Kristy McNichol and Christopher Atkins.
Not long after I moved here I had the opportunity to meet Christopher Atkins for the first time. I couldn’t wait to have him sign my DVD and was thrilled to have him be a super nice guy.
I’ve since met him several times and each time he’s even sweeter than before – he’s a really great guy.
I’d never even heard of Kristy McNichol being around, which is why I was so thrilled to see she’d been added to the most recent Hollywood Show list of guests. I was determined to have her sign my DVD, but, sadly, when the day rolled around, I left it at home. Curses!
(Editor’s Note: Welcome to the world of autograph collecting! Pinky The Grapher! M-)
I’d hoped she’d have some pictures from the film that I could purchase, but it doesn’t seem to be a film she liked very much (as evidenced by her lack of conversation when I verbally gushed about my love for it). Sigh. I had to settle for a signed headshot of her
(which included some staples in the top and bottom…bonus??),
but I was gravely disappointed, as an autographed poster from the film would make a great addition to my wall.
(Editor’s Note: Did I mention Pinky The Grapher? M-)
Oh, well. At least I was finally able to meet her and get a picture with her…I just wish I hadn’t been so let down afterwards. I’m probably spoiled watching Keith interact with his fans – no matter what they say, he always acts engaged and interested, which is a special quality to have (especially around fans who can go on and on and on – trust me, sometimes I’m one of them). Maybe she’s not used to that kind of gushing? I mean, I realize it’s a business and she’s there to make money, but I couldn’t help feeling more like a “transaction” than an actual fan. Boo. Oh, well. I still love the film and wish I could’ve had her sign it.
For additional pink fodder, please visit or follow me on Twitter @pinkylovejoy. As always, have a pink day!
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