Funko Funday! Jordan Says, “Wax On, Wax Off!” After Meeting The Karate Kid Himself Ralph Macchio! Signed Funko Pop Goodness!
I’ve never seen Karate Kid, until last weekend. I never understood the catchphrase of “Wax On Wax Off” I would hear it from my dad all the time when helping him wash the car. I never understood the fascination of two high school students fighting in a karate tournament. I loved Karate Kid so much, it got me hooked on Cobra Kai! Before rona happens Ralph was doing a talk at a film festival before rona happened and he was cool enough to sign a few things, but he was being a pain in the ass to switch pens! I wish he switched pens to sign my funko in a paint pen, but he wouldn’t oh well! I can’t wait till Cobra Kai season 3!!!!